
Eng 2 Journal week 10

This is my bad weekend because on Monday, I caught a cold that I think it came from my friend. He went to a military camp at Kanjanabure and he said that on mountain a temperature almost 0 celsius and many people got sick same as him then his flu came to me. It made me sick, I was so boring because I couldn't do anything and felt very headache. I wanted to sleep all day but my friends tease me that they called to me many time and I couldn't sleep. I thought they might not believe me that I caught a cold. It might possible because I never sick before. At last they understood and I was sleeping well. Next morning I could go to study same as everyday. My friend ask me that why did you get sick? and I said that I sick because of you. You cough in front of my face then it's a cause that I had to sleep all day. He apologize me and bought a bottle of water to me then we went to study.

On February 2rd, This is my birth day so I'm twenty year old now. My friends sent a message to me at 1.00 a.m. and I felt so happy that they weren't forgot my birth day. This is the day that I had to pick up my phone in many time. Many people called to me and wish well me such as be happy, love you, etc but someone said that you are older, too old, old more than before. At least, I felt happy because they could remember my birth day that enough for me. I invited them to have a party at a pub so we ate and drank together.

I had to register my subject on weekend that is for summer but it had a few subject to study because many student liked to travel or do something their like in summer. I wanted to do same as them but It had a lot of free time. I thought it's not a big problem if I will study never stop haha. My study is not sure so I have to study then I wanted to graduate in 4 year not many year. I choose three subject and it's not too hard. All of credits are 6 so I have to do a good grade.

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