
Eng 2 Journal week 4

In this week, I was so serious and excited. First, my ethic subject had something problem and I didn't know what to do. I asked a information in Huamark Campus but they told me that you have to go to Bangna Campus. At that time I think " Oh ! my god ", I never went to Bangna Campus. In fact, I ever been to Bangna Campus for 2 time and I didn't know any building where I have to go. I went to Bang Campus with my friends then I could found a Building easier than I think. The information told me that you have to go to CL building. When I came here, the CL building was too high. At a first floor, it had a lot of restaurant and many students who were walking and sitting fro relax. It looked comfortable and luxury but when I went to the second floor, It made me shock [ may be ] because the second floor was more luxury than the first floor. I think it look like a very very big mansion or a castle. I felt familiar but finally I could find a information and did everything clearly. While I went back to Huamark Campus, I had some problem again. My friend drove a car to Bangna Campus but he couldn't remember a way to go back. He turned to a wrong way and we lost the way. In normally, you used a time about 30 minute or 40 minute to go back but I used 1 hour or more.

This weekend, it is a special weekend because it had a big event and every people knew it. Every years, people are going to go out and call their friend to celebrate the day together. In the day, every people will release something to a river that is call " Ka-tong " and a name of the day is so simple. We call it "Loy-ka-thong". In the morning, My family went to a temple for make merit and wish well. When I finished I called to my friends and invited them to go out. It was the day to have fun so I could go back home in any time I want. I went to Loy-ka-tong at Chulalongkorn University because it had a big festival and many people liked to go. It had a lot of foods and drinks. We played a lot of games such as throw dart, throw agar. About 9.00 p.m. all of us brough ka-tong and released it to a river. I thought it is a natural while you release it, you have to pray but not pray for yourself. You have to pray for a people you love or people you can't meet again. It is the day that you can get more enjoy and get virtue in the same time.


Eng 2 Journal week 3

I was so serious and excited because this week is not a normal week. I think everybody feel the same as me. I and all of my friends went to the law faculty of ABAC for looking something important. When we arrived, there are many people in here. I don't think it's because of why? , It is a result of examination. I was worried because the final exam was so hard. We looked subject to subject slowly so we were excited. At last we felt so happy, that all of us pass the examination. This day is a nice day so we went to a restaurant and have a little party. This semester I have a good grade so my GPA is increasing but it's not good enough. I have to do it better and won't fail again.

This weekend, I got up early and went to Siam. I had to study English that The English class start for 5 p.m. I arrived to Siam at 12.00 and had lunch with my friends. When I finished my lunch, we had a lot of free time. We didn’t know what we want to do. We went to our old school then I think it's a long time but anything not change. This is a weekend so a school had a few people. I didn't found my other old friends but I found my old teachers. He looked so nice and fine. I talked to them and stayed at the school until 4.30 p.m. It was raining while I went to study. I had to hide under a roof and wait until the rain stop. When I came back home I had a little ill and a little cough but it wasn't a big problem. I ate some medicine and went to bed early

This is a special week because I went to the Rachadalai theater for watching " Cats ". Cats is a musical and it consist a lot of cats on a stage. A story of Cats began at dumping and it had a cat community name " Jellicle Balls. It had a cat leader " Old Deuteronomy ", he will announce a cat name who will born in Heavyside Layer. The announcement will begin before the sun rising.
While all of the cats with for announcement, they will show a cats sorry and the cats have a different story. They will show a experience in many style. when the sun rising, the cats will know who will born in a wonderland. I can't tell all of character. It have a difficult name and hard to remember. I can remember a cat " Grizabella ", she is a amazing cat and she is a good singer. In this story, it have a music name " memory ", she is the one who sing this song. But in all of this my favorite cat is a Rum Tum Tugger. I think he is so funny. When he come, Everybody crap them hand and laugh. It was fun and I think if I have a time I will buy a ticket and watch again.


Eng 2 Journal 2

This week , I was so busy again because I had some subject to register and it was full. I had to change or add a new subject. At first , I went to the law faculty to meet my adviser and wrote a petition form to add more subject. Second when I finished the petition form, I had to give to my parents and head department to signature. It was waste my time so much because I had to run and find a signature from head department that he almost never stayed in his office . After I ran for a long time, I had a signature from him . I was so happy and Hurried to petition my subject. Finally , I could not study in my section which I expected but I asked my teacher to study with him. He told me " I can study in his section but when a examination come , I have to go to do in a real section" . I think it was okay because some day, I didn't have time to study . If I could not add or change it , I had to delete or drop in this subject . It was so terrible.

This weekend , I had a big party with my parents at a restaurant . We celebrated my grand father's birthday . we ate Chinese food , Japanese food , and Thai food . It was so delicious and I ate it until I could not ate it anymore . In the middle time of the party , we enjoyed talking about somethings we found everyday . My grand father gave a present to me that I am a bad grand son . In fact , I should gave him a present because it is his birthday, not he gave me . When I buy somethings or present to some people , It make me embarrassing . I don't know , why? . I think the present he gave me must be equipment , but I was wrong . It was a chocolate " Ferero" . I didn't mind what it be , I felt grateful . I love my grand father because he is nice , cheerful , and energatic all the time . He is ninty years old . I think he's very old but sometimes I see him bring his racket and balls to a wall and play tennis . It's a amazing thing in a person who is ninety . If I were him , I don't think I could do it . I might be sleep on my bed or watch TV and lying on a sofa . This is a future I can't know.

The second week , I can control my self to study enough . At first I had a little boring because University just opened . Now I have to tired because my grade is not good enough . About subject of Law , this is the highest difficultly for me . The teachers are not kind like before . They are so strict and serious . I have to study hard and be more determined.


Eng2 Journal

Assumption University has opened again. In this second semester, I have a lot of subjects to study : Criminal law, Law of pubilc finnace & Taxation, Law of juristic acts and Contracts, World civilization,etc.I think It's hard for me ; I may have to study harder.The first class, I have to study " English II " and I heard from my friends This subject is so difficult.My friends told me " a book name "Limitations" is so hard ". They gave the book to me so I looked on it and was surprise.It is so hard , I think. The book has a lot of difficult vocabulary, and sentence.I can not understand.It's harder than " English I " but this is a first subject for this day. In this day I have three more subjects to study .I don't finish until 7.00 pm.The day is so long but on other days, I have a lot of time to relax and do some things I want. I came back home very very late because of a traffic jam. I was so tired and wanted to sleep.Finally I took a bath,wrote the journal and went to sleep early.
The other day I feel happy and relax because it have 2 or 3 subjects per day so I have a lot of free time . In this freetime, I usually go to fitness, have lunch, or play games with my friends but when I have a lot of work, I might go to the library to finish it.
I went to a cinema and saw " Opatic " <<< it's a Thai movie .It was so exciting and fun . This movie was interesting about a hero. There are 5 hero in this movie and the 5 hero have five different skill or ability(In this movie, they call the 5 hero " Opatic " .They have to run away from hunters so they have to fight and survive. Opatic can't born by natural on the other hand, they have to suicide themself to die and born again. This is amazing, I think.The first Opatic can read other people mind and know about a future in a short time *0*.The second Opatic can call a evil in his body to fight. the third Opatic before the sun down he is good man and innocent but when the sun down he will turn to a dark side and want to kill people. The forth Opatic is a Immortal that's all ^^". The last Opatic can see a death point so he can kill every people in one shot. The Opatics are look so cool but it's not true. Everytimes when they use The skill or ability, they have to suffer. When the first Opatic use his skill, he have to lose five sences that is so terrible, I think. The second Opatic have to turn to evil and have a ugly body same as his evil. the third Opatic, he doesn't have any bad affect but he can't control himself. The forth Opatic, he have to suffer everytime because he can't die but in his mind he doesn't want to be immortal.The last Opatic,when he use his skill and kill a people, a wound from people will appear on his body. he has to hurt like he do no others. This movie is a action and fantasy movie, I like it but other people I don't know. I hope all of audience will like it same as me.