
Eng 2 Journal week 5

It's nearly mid-term exam so now I have to clear all of my work quickly. I was so serious because I had a lot of work to do such as work of Economic, World Civilization, etc. This week, I had a examination of Economic subject and teacher will give 5% from 100% for this examination. But I was not good in this subject, it was so hard for me. This subject is about Market, Demand, Supply, or something like a business. I might waste my time a lot for reading this subject. When I took the exam, it was so hard. I finished this exam and asked my friends that they could do the exam. All of us could do it enough for passing, I think.

On weekend, I had nothing to do because the economic subject had cancel. That made me happy, I hadn't to wake up early. A weather was good, not so hot and not so cool. I slept until 10.30 a.m., I felt so fresh and lively. In the afternoon I went to play tennis with my brother at a court near my house. I play with him about 2 hour but he is a good player, I can't fight him. A score was so terrible that he won me 6-2 in the first game. At that time, I thought I will revenge him in the next game, I won't lose again. But I had unlucky because my racket had something problem. a string was torn and I didn't have another one to change so I had to give up. It made me sad but next time I am going to beat him for sure.

I went to Siam with my friends for watching a movie then we would like to watch " Beowolf ". We called to a information and reserved tickets for watching it. While we were waiting, we went to a gym and played basketball together. There were 6 people so we divided it into 2 group. I thought I will win this game because my team had a basketball player. finally I won and it was so cool that all of us got an exercise. It was so good because it made us healthy. When we finished playing, It was a time to go to get a ticket. We arrived to Siam and asked the information about the tickets. It was so surprised and I had never seen this situation before. I was so angry and indignant because The information canceled my ticket and others one. I asked her why did you cancel my ticket? and she said someone bought all of ticket so I thought someone hired every seat. I had reserved the tickets before they came and came to get the tickets on the time. But she canceled its, I didn't know that. She wasted our time a lot that I went out of my home since morning and waiting until 4 p.m. I came back home and thought it could be possible if they have a lot of money so I couldn't do anything. I should go to bed and sleep, it must be better.